I have been away of this blog for too long. New job, new house. The time goes pretty damn fast. In 6 months the JavaScript environment goes fast too!

Today I come back with a new series of articles that will live along this project: marionetteify

It is based on the TodoMVC Project. The motivation behind this project is to bring an example of how a front-end JavaScript project can be serious and production ready.

The main goal is to help JavaScript developers to catch up with the actual great tools and give a real word alike application structure with complete tool chain.


  • Backbone
  • Backbone.Marionette
  • Backbone.Localstorage
  • Handlebars
  • Jed (coming soon)
  • Browserify
  • Grunt for
    • serving
    • watching
    • live-reloading
    • building

Running marionetteify

Just clone the project, or grab the zip, and run the index.html. There is nothing more and less than the classic TodoMVC application.

Walkthough the code

I am preparing a series of articles to explain the choice I made on marionetteify and help you to understand the benefits of using those tools or concepts.