Jérôme Steunou

I code, I manage, I play music, I'm curious.

Internationalization in JavaScript

I seriously have some difficulties to write regularly. But I'm back again with a big tutorial around internationalization & gettext in JavaScript to follow the publication of grunt-jspot. It seems gettext is not so well known whereas it is a key stone for internationalization process in software development. Make yourself comfortable and keep the coffee nearby, it's a long tutorial.

Browserify, why and how?

First article of my series on marionetteify, I will go through the why I choose Browserify over RequireJS and how using it, but not just using it. Discover all its powers!

Recipe of a production ready Marionette application

Step by step walk-through of a production ready front-end using Backbone.Marionette and Handlebars built with Browserify and Grunt. Bonuses: coffeescript & i18n.

Structurer son application Backbone.js / Marionette.js (part. 1)

Comment partir du bon pied et structurer son application front-end quand on utilise le couple Backbone.js / Marionette.js.