Jérôme Steunou

I code, I manage, I play music, I'm curious.

Internationalization in JavaScript

I seriously have some difficulties to write regularly. But I'm back again with a big tutorial around internationalization & gettext in JavaScript to follow the publication of grunt-jspot. It seems gettext is not so well known whereas it is a key stone for internationalization process in software development. Make yourself comfortable and keep the coffee nearby, it's a long tutorial.

Browserify, why and how?

First article of my series on marionetteify, I will go through the why I choose Browserify over RequireJS and how using it, but not just using it. Discover all its powers!

Recipe of a production ready Marionette application

Step by step walk-through of a production ready front-end using Backbone.Marionette and Handlebars built with Browserify and Grunt. Bonuses: coffeescript & i18n.

Simplifions notre fonctionnement avec le Revenu de Base Inconditionnel

L'idée d'un revenu de base (universel ou inconditionnel) fait son petit bonhomme de chemin, et le dernier billet de Ploum en est un formidable exemple. J'aime beaucoup les articles de Ploum, et sa réflexion, ainsi que celle des suisses, ou de ces messieurs et les constats des différentes expériences, autour du RBI sont très intéressants. Mais il n'y a pas que la partie versement qu'il est possible de simplifier...

Publication of this blog theme: Pelican JST

Today I took the time to clean up my theme and published it on my github account. It is on BSD License so everybody can use it. Moreover it comes with my little side project: Comimoc.

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